Mother #moon is putting on a show tonight … is this ring normal, usual, or special in any way?
#photography #halo
Mother #moon is putting on a show tonight … is this ring normal, usual, or special in any way?
#photography #halo
Okay thanks for letting me know.
You killed most all of Star Trek. You killed Halo. There’s nothing left for me to have an annual subscription for.
I’ll come back for a few months for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season three. And then I’ll cancel again.
In addition to all the other things going on right now, I am enjoying several days of shift on the #HALO supernova early warning project.
There have been no early warnings, since I took over shift, of a #supernova … for the record.
But the team continues to keep the detector running with high uptime as we patiently wait for the next galactic detonation of a heavy dying star!
La Radeon 8060S nelle APU AMD Strix Halo sarà una nuova frontiera per laptop e mini pc
Sun Halo 31 March 2023 ... from 8:45am till 1pm ... and cloud iridescence ... magic skies #clouds #sunhalo #photography #halo #rainbow #nsw #widjabulwiabal #australia
this is how i have fun in this game :3 i play it exactly the same way i did when i first started in middle school because it's nostalgic to me. this is funnest in big team battle modes
• drive a warthog off a cliff with your teammates in it and jump out so it counts as individual suicides rather than teamkills
• the same but flying in a falcon
• in heavies mode your teammates are immune to friendly fire, meaning you can destroy their vehicles without consequence!
• jump in front of your teammates' ghosts so they splatter you then kick them for teamkilling you
• bait your teammates into teamkilling you so you can kick them just generally
• stand in front of snipers and spartan lasers to block them and/or trick them into teamkilling you then boot them
• stand in front the turret on a tank or wraith so when it shoots it hits you point blank and damages it and maybe kills you so you can boot them
• hop into a gauss hog or tank at the start of the match and blow up all your team's vehicles
• get someone from the enemy team into your warthog gunner seat and drive them around your base letting them massacre your teammates who can't fight back lest they teamkill you
• melee your teammates' shields right before a firefight with the enemy team so they get headshotted instantly
• snipe your teammates' shields down from across the map
• if you finish off your low-health teammate after a gunfight with the enemy team quick enough it'll count as a kill for whichever enemy damaged them last instead of you
• and more! i'm probably forgetting stuff so i'll add more to this list as i remember it
Wir bleiben bei den #Halo-Erscheinungen, denn am Samstag hat DWD-Kollege Rüdiger Manig einen #Zirkumzenitalbogen beobachten können.
Was das ist und wie diese Erscheinung entsteht?
Die Wettermeldungen in der DWD-WarnWetter-App sind eine Fundgrube für tolle Fotos... In der Nacht haben einige Nutzerinnen und Nutzer einen #Mondhalo beobachtet und die Fotos geteilt!
Wissenwertes zu #Halo-Erscheinungen:;jsessionid=37C36D83E22E68337103F2178B52AB51.live11042?lv2=101094&lv3=101154
Battling an evil race bent on destruction... no it's not DOGE, it's #Halo Combat Evolved with @jsbilsbrough !
Live now on:
Why am I considering buying a used XBox One just to finally play Halo 5 Guardians and see how good/bad it is from my own point of view...
Why am I addicted to Sci-Fi franchises that shoot themselves in the amygdala at a certain point. #halo #masseffect
Well, it seems that #RoosterTeeth might be back! If you don’t recognize the name of the #animation studio, you might recall the years of #machinima Red Vs. Blue, a video game comedy series that used #Halo instead of traditional processes. #videogames
I also finished #Terranigma and #Halo 2. Great games. Terranigma had been on my shelf for ages, so I'm glad I finally got around playing it. Outside the Bloody Mary fight, I had a great time playing it.
Ich hab Grad die zweite Staffel #Halo beendet kommt da noch was? Ich bin mit dem Ende unzufrieden.