New episode for Dying Psi, fresh off the dice tray!
3x26 - Shot Dead
#ttrpg #soloroleplaying #podcast #rifts #swade
New episode for Dying Psi, fresh off the dice tray!
3x26 - Shot Dead
#ttrpg #soloroleplaying #podcast #rifts #swade
I’m curious to know if anyone in the #minipainting sphere can help me identify these wee army men with a very colonial marines aesthetic. Pewter from mid to late 90s if memory serves which it rarely does. I’m thinking they were in an unbranded bag in a bargain bin. Airdry clay base on right front took a whack and crumbled. Also are some larger monsters finally getting attention after waiting since 2020 when I went all in on #SoloRoleplaying
New episode for Dying Psi, fresh off the dice tray!
3x25 - Return Fire
#ttrpg #soloroleplaying #podcast #rifts #swade
Although I've never actually tried #soloroleplaying I'm fascinated with it. Especially loving Joy of Wargaming's ADnD series. Makes me want to learn and play #adnd AND play solo!
I was thinking to get a game of Umbra in at lunch time.
This is a space themed version of Delve, also by Anna Blackwell from Blackwell games:
You draw cards from a deck and draw a map with a tower defence mechanic.
Then I re-read the intro and I was absolutely put off.
I know it is mostly flavour, but it could easilly be about being the alien life form defending their territories instead of the colonist defending stolen territories.
And then the myth of a relic/weapon that has to be searched would also work. Then it is just part of said alien culture, not something you heard from some alien in a shaddy pub.
I hope that if Anna Blackwell does another version, the premise will be turned on its head.
Karard Brekkon, increasingly bored and desperate city guild scribe, prepares to embark on a life of thieving adventure on day 18 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025. Another game missed years ago, I'll give Advanced Fighting Fantasy a #SoloRoleplaying try.
Surprised that I didn’t completely ruin this #ReaperMini Dark Watcher with my #MiniPainting skills. Good enough for #SoloRoleplaying table.
Meet 13yo Lewis Hopson, rural Canadian Hick (not Swedish or American) for day 16 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025. Tales from the Loop is outside of my wheelhouose in just about every #SoloRoleplaying way. Challenge accepted.
Bran didn't expect to live thru running into 7 orcs at night in the Darokin hinterlands. 6 surrendering when their captain was one-shotted was less expected. Meet Untha, Broken Lands orc ranger for day 14 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025. #SoloRoleplaying
Just a working stiff trying to earn a living Guillaume Benoit, Teamster (Mothership) ventures into the black on day 13 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025, convincing me I haven't completed my #SoloRoleplaying survey of games yet. No story. Just an idea.
Janice Carlson (2d20 Fallout RPG) gets fully statted out after surviving the first 2 hours of a Triggerman & Synth attack of a Vault-Tec cryo-prison as a generic NPC. See her and my #SoloRoleplaying PC for day 12 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025
Continuing my #soloroleplaying Mystara reboot, my avatar PC is Erystelle Feadial, level 1 Fighter of Dorneryl for day 11 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025.
Day 10 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025 is a good justification to start re-re-re-rebooting my '80s/'90s D&D Mystara characters for a new #soloroleplaying campaign. Let's meet Bran the ranger of Darokin
Danton Kelask of Swordbreak village in the Tempest Hills is out to prove his mettle in the Ironlands of Ironsworn on day 9 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025. #soloroleplaying
Long day. Tired. Headache. So for day 8 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025 meet Elstan from Stormfall in the Ironlands. One of many made-and-played #soloroleplaying characters from my review of games that began in 2020.
Let's say hello and most probably goodbye to Bobby Porter, Victim Teenager (Beyond the Supernatural, Palladium Books) for day 7 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025. Don't get attached to victim characters. Don't even hope for a final girl. #soloroleplaying
On Day 6 of #CharacterCreationChallenge 2025 (4 BBY) retired Imperial captain Zallec Kes joined the rebellion. #soloroleplaying
Following up on my not getting into #ttrpg actual plays -- just realized that I actually enjoy #soloroleplaying actual plays. Maybe it's just because I like watching the creative process, or no funny voices, or maybe it just says something about me! #dnd