Reading through #TorchLite, and I really love the focus on the backpack as part of the character. It's really thematic!
Reading through #TorchLite, and I really love the focus on the backpack as part of the character. It's really thematic!
I've been reading through TorchLite, a wonderful new TTRPG built on the Cortex Lite rules framework. It's a delight! I noticed something that inspired* me to write this little scene. Enjoy!
*for questionable values of "inspiration"
It's here, it's here, release day is here, and TorchLite is out in the world! Whew!
So proud of this project and so happy we're here at the finish line. Fly, fly my pretties!
You can grab your copy here:
Reshares and retweets VERY appreciated! :D
When we found this piece of stock cover art, there was really no question that this had to be our cover.
The whole shebang drops tomorrow for the big release. I can't wait! :D
I wrote a bunch of GM guidance and narrative game management pieces in TorchLite, both in terms of straight-up "here's a thing you can do in your game" advice column stuff as well as embedding best practices and opportunities into the mechanics.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this game out in the wild. And that happens... in TWO DAYS!!!
SFX are cool little bundles of exceptional rules that your character can use in an adventure. A character starts with three and can pick up more as they grow. TorchLite provides... a lot to choose from. Or modify to your own purposes. Or "borrow" for your own game. Or inspire you to write your own...
Okay, this thing that Lynn Jones brought to TorchLite legit blew me away. It is the slickest, simplest, most flexible framework for prepping an adventure I have ever seen. I am so freaking excited to have it be part of TorchLite, and so happy to have had Lynn and all of his contributions as part of the project.
One of the TorchLite bits that I'm most proud of is that you can make a character by picking three items off of three lists. Hard to get more rules Lite than that!
If you wanna see those three lists, check out the teaser at
Also worth mentioning: there's a chunky sneak peek with even more character creation options available to patreon subscribers today...
@jeremyforbing unloads a truckload of expert design throughout TorchLite. Come feel the love.
TorchLite ignites on Nov 13 at
TorchLite wouldn't be half as fantastic as it has become without Jeremy Forbing's incredible contributions. I am so glad to have worked with him and his insights to the genre.
Read more about what it's like to work with Jeremy at
It's a dark day but we're going to keep working and striving for a better world.
For me, that means more writing and more games, all of which means more inclusive stories that we build together.
In one week, we're releasing #TorchLite, a game that I've been working on for months. It started out as a "little game, probably 64 pages" and it has since, uh, got bigger.
I'm gonna be talking about it a lot this week. I hope it will be a little reminder that we can make good things in this world.
A little something to look forward to. It isn't much, but it's something.
The problem with a book with tons of art is that there are tons of art credits to put in.
125 pages of fantasy gaming goodness. I really like how this is coming together!