Another tintype portrait from my last wet plate workshop. As you can see I had great participants who worked on that portrait. #Monochrome #wetplate #photography #Portrait #tintype #analog #art
Another tintype portrait from my last wet plate workshop. As you can see I had great participants who worked on that portrait. #Monochrome #wetplate #photography #Portrait #tintype #analog #art
'Voll Retro' - Fotografie auf #Nassplatte ...
Nis, #Hamburg 2018
#Tintype (Kollodium Nassplatte auf Aluminium) mit 13×18cm FKD Kamera und #Voigtländer Euryscop N°1 von 1882
Who recognizes this silhouette?
This well know person will also be part of my inspired series book making of video
#photography #inspired #portrait #portraitphotography #analog #tintype #wetplate #Monochrome
I love this portrait that Otto and me created during my wet plate workshop. Thanks a lot Otto! #analog #portrait #wetplate #tintype #RiseUp #photography #Darkness #Monochrome
#SilberSonntag mit einem Bild aus einer Zeit, in der ich noch #Nassplatte gemacht habe.
Marie, #Felm bei #Kiel 2018
13x18cm #Tintype. FKD Kamera mit Voigtländer Euryscop n°1 von 1882, f4.0 @12s
Just because I just read it again in a forum: No, lenses were already razor sharp in the 19th century. The fact that people usually didn't look sharp was due to the long exposure times (ISO #collodion: 0.25). If you shine 6000 Ws of light on a person for a collodion #portrait , you also get the impression of the capabilities of a lens from 1882.
Anne, #Kiel 2019
Beautiful Daria - handmade tintype portrait
Video: #handmade #portrait #portraiture #tintype #analog #filmphotography #wetplate #photography #BlackAndWhite
'Stille' - Zeit zur Einkehr und #Meditation?
Medizin Buddha, #Ambrotypie ( #Kollodium #Nassplatte auf - zum Medizin Buddha passenden - blauem Glas), aufgenommen mit einer #Mamiya RB67. #Kiel 2017
I enjoyed this couple tintype portrait a lot. Such a great energy. This was also captured at the @photofairwien - video #portrait #tintypephotography #wetplate #nassplatte #largeformatportrait #analog #keepfilmalive #tintype #handmade #couple #blackandwhite #monochrome #tessar #People
Tintype portrait of Mila Palm’s hand at the vintage photo fair Vienna - full video #tintype #wetplate #wetplatecollodion #analogphotography #analog #largeformat #petzval #hand #handmade #nassplatte #collodion #portraitphotography #People #Monochrome #CloseUp
A very nice Ukrainian lady came to my booth at the Vienna Vintage Photo Fair and asked for a tintype portrait. It was really nice to work with her. Find the full video here #Monochrome #Portrait #tintypr #tintype #wetplate #analog #portraiture
Josef Zotter with his completely legal and delicious “Hemp Joint in Grass Paper” I am grateful that I was able to capture two portraits with the inventor of hand-scooped chocolate for my inspired series. Article bhts video assistance: Lilith Maris Studio: Blendpunkt Light: Hensel #portrait #analog #wetplate #tintype #largeformat #handmade #zotter #chocolate #collodion
I just finished my plate during a live stream to celebrate the world wet plate day. #maythe4th #analog #tintype #wetplate
Was für komische Dinge sich so von hinten im Geiste anschleichen, wenn man manche 'Lektüre' liest ...
#Kollodium #Nassplatte, 13x18cm Tintype, FKD Kamera
Johanna, #Kiel 2019
'Bewegung' wünsche ich mir in Fotos meist nur eingefroren. Bei solchen langen Belichtungen wie bei der #Kollodium #Nassplatte kann es auch mal schief gehen. Und trotzdem (oder vielleicht gerade deswegen) gefällt mir dieses Bild sehr. Es hat was leicht geheimnisvolles.