Day 30 #RPGaDay2023 OBSCURE
In one of my groups, Damian typically played strong & silent characters, but for the VtM Giovanni Chronicles, he made an obscure, impoverished nobleman, who often talked at length. The player did a great job of politically manoeuvring this character through the many chronicles, obscuring their motivations and making themselves invaluable to the various Elders & Methuselahs. This was all much to the confusion of the PCs, who were often surprised at Damian’s 1/4
character deftly changing plans on the fly. Additionally, the character was a Lasombra, who despite having Obtenebration and later learning Obfuscate, only used their Disciplines in subtle ways. In a game about obscuring the truth of reality to the mundane world, a shadowy empowered character impressively navigated the dangerous vampire world, playing at a deeper level than most.
A bonus to this story, later, a player joined this group, but then complained to me that Damian 2/4
(someone that they’d only known for a year) only played boring and incapable characters; I’d been playing with Damian since we were 12, so I know that wasn’t the case. I used the story of Damian’s Lasombra to help show that role-playing is more than memorising rules or playing charismatic characters, that a player does not need to always play a proactive and charismatic character, 3/4
that sometimes the humble character in the party is doing more than the other characters, and even players, know. At the next session I mentioned the Lasombra, the rest of the group were buzzing with anecdotes. This helped the complaining player reconsider the current game of Aberrant, Damian was playing Gravitas (Strong & Silent), to realise that Damian had done more than they assumed; also to maybe talk with other people and check.
#VampiretheMasquerade #Trinitycontinuum #Aberrant 4/4