Looking through my old copy of Chronomancer for #adnd2 and was wonder if anyone has used time travel, regardless of genre? I just finished watching #Fringe for probably the 3rd time Al the way through and it just twists your mind trying to sort out the timeline changes and still have a consistent world.
@Oiselarius Fringe would make a great TTRPG.
@satchel yes. Yes it would! I’ve been looking for systems to do it in and #TopSecretNWO and #ModernAGE are two that could work imo
@Oiselarius I'd run it in #CortexPrime, since it allegedly did Leverage and Smallville well enough.
@satchel I’m not familiar with that system. I like #TSNWO for the early seasons of #Fringe that had a higher degree of realism than the later seasons with the #Observers plot focus. For that I think it would be easier to adapt the #ModernAGE system.
@Oiselarius Have you found a good resource for episode synopses? I'd love to read the actual scripts to pull quotes and descriptions from.
@satchel I haven’t looked for those.
@Oiselarius I'm probably over-thinking it. These days I hate watch TV without taking screenshots!
@satchel I have gotten into the habit of subtitles.