I still have this weird idea of a Deadlands game with Elves and such added too. A more fantastical Deadlands and less horror Deadlands. Just having them be part of the world. Maybe many many years ago they came from another world. Maybe other elements from those worlds came too. Maybe even dungeons exist under areas of Earth from those other worlds. Think it could be fun, but I'm weird.
@PsychoticDreams I ran a setting like this In GURPS.
@PsychoticDreams Sounds like a great alternative take on Shadowrun.
@PsychoticDreams https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279677/Sagas--SixGuns Sagas & Six-Guns is a Weird West w/ Norse flavoring for Savage Worlds that oozes cool; may be worth mining for inspiration if nothing else.
@PsychoticDreams the whole "touched a different world" thing, but more generally?
Maybe that's what's happening in europe while all the evil spirits are happening in north america