#RPGaDAY2023 Day 07: The smartest game I've ever played is definitely #Fiasco, a huge game changer in the #ttrpg industry as it made a lot of us rethink how fun playing the PC's downward spiral and their emotional turmoils can be, and how stale the reverse is. With its simple narration-oriented ruleset adaptable to just any kind of setting, Fiasco did change they way I play and run games, but more importantly, the way I truly have fun during an #rpg session. #jdr @bullypulpit_hq
@Yohann @bullypulpit_hq Strong agree. Fiasco was a turning point for all my groups moving to much richer roleplaying in all our games. It freed our minds to accept getting ourselves and the other players in trouble, and playing characters with real emotions and dark secrets. I always recommend it as a palate cleanser for people who want to improve their roleplaying.
@Wightbred @bullypulpit_hq What I've kept saying since my very 1st game of #Fiasco: there's a life as a RPG player before Fiasco, and a life after.
@Yohann @bullypulpit_hq Yes! Now we sometimes use Fiasco as a verb (‘let’s Fiasco this situation”) or talk about our game having ‘a pinch of Fiasco’.
Also like that the cards can be used to setup fun starting situations in other games.
@Wightbred @bullypulpit_hq I sometimes do the same thing, but in French, when I say things are turning into Fiasco.