In-laws had never played any tabletops, and wanted to give D&D a spin. I put together a little low-level adventure for them, but so far they've snuck away from every encounter, turned down all mysterious quests, and ignored rumors of bandits in the forest. They just set up a small kbbq-style restaurant in town, and personally I feel like they're living their best lives.
@saikoroparty two things
1) real everything-everywhere-all-at-once vibe. Love it.
2) fabulous GM skills for allowing the sandbox rather than railroading
@lategamer Hehe, I love that movie! And it's really nice having to do nearly zero session prep (I am such a prepper).
@saikoroparty I’d be more inclined to railroad because I don’t know anything about any kind of bbq. Now I gotta worry about procurement, pricing, product, place, competition, and customers.
I’d rather fight a dragon than figure out how to pacify a neighbouring competitor. But that’s #myStuff.
Sounds like a great option for 191 urban encounters!
@lategamer Honestly, I hadn't added a competitor yet, but that is totally happening next session!
@saikoroparty I overcomplicate things plainly. In Ars Magica we used to send out Companions and Grogs to find magical ingredients.