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Ekana tietysti lähti soimaan Backstreet Boys 'I Want It That Way'
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
"Quit Playing Games (with My Heart)" is a song by American #boyBand #BackstreetBoys, released in October 1996 by #JiveRecords as the fourth single from their international debut album (1996). It reached No. 1 in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Switzerland, No. 2 in the United Kingdom, and No. 7 in the Netherlands. The song was later included on the band's debut US album and was released as its second single in April 1997.
Quit Playing Games (with My Heart)
Bändipaitoja on mulla vain 1 kpl jäljellä ja se on System of a Down. Haluan vielä toisenkin SOAD paidan ja sen lisäksi vielä Backstreet Boys Millennium paidan.
Samalla tuumasin, et bändipaidat on juuri niitä paitoja, jotka laitetaan pois käytöstä siinä vaiheessa kun kainalot näkyvät.
"All I Have to Give" is a song by American #boyBand #BackstreetBoys, produced and written by #FullForce. It was released by #JiveRecords as the third and final single from the band's second album, Backstreet's Back (1997), and the sixth and final single from their US debut album. The single debuted at number two on the #UKSinglesChart and peaked at number five on the US #Billboard Hot 100.
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
Did they do a later remix of this song as it feels slower than I remember #TOTP #BackstreetBoys