In more "I am so freaking sick of everyone else's ableist bullshit" news:
A few months back, I signed up for what looks like a really awesome basket making class.
It is offered by the same people I'm taking my herbalism training from. It was scheduled in person. It's a skill that I would really like to have. It is a foundational class, on which other weaving-with-natural-materials classes that they are going to offer will be built.
I got the reminder email today, and realized that sitting in a room with 12+ strangers, all of whom will be unmasked, for five+ hours, with no air ventilation, and no way to open the windows or move myself outside to do the work (because the heat index will be over 100°F), was a no-go for me.
Learning how to make a really cool basket is not worth the risk of picking up a Covid infection from some stranger who doesn't give a flying fuck about possibly infecting me.
I am both disappointed and relieved at the same time. I really wanted to take the class, but the risks of hanging out indoors with all those people for that long was WAY too high for me.
Plus, ending up wearing a mask for more than six hours at a time is really physically and mentally draining. It demands many spoons, even though it's part of helping me stay as safe as I can.
Yet, it's been shown that one-way masking is NOT going to protect me well enough to be in that room for that long.
Eating and drinking would've been impossible, too, as would have CO2 mitigation, even if I brought a monitor. I can only imagine the CO2 in that room spiking to over 2000 ppm within an hour of that many people chatting and laughing and eating and drinking.
I have my own air filter that I often take with me when I am required to be indoors with other people, but it would not have cut it in this room, and air filtration doesn't mitigate CO2.
Well, now I have the day off! I called the organizer and asked if there was a waiting list, offered my spot to someone on the waiting list, and even offered my tuition if they couldn't pay. We will see what happens.
I'm the kind of person who always brings extra supplies. I already had one or two extra of everything on the list to bring with me in case somebody else didn't have it.
That's the kind of person I am! I. Think. Of. Other. People!
It's sickening and saddening and disheartening that nobody else really fucking does that.
I'm not saying that I'm better than anybody else, or that I'm so great because I always think about bringing extra pencils or whatever; I'm saying that I'm really continually angry that most other people don't think about their actions and how strongly they could affect other people.
I'm oddly able to find compassion for the people who are unable to think of other people or share. It's a weird twist of the mind, courtesy of decades of Buddhist training, being able to have compassion for confused fucking assholes. It's not for novices.
The ability to have compassion for said people doesn't mean that they aren't being fucking ableist and selfish as fuck, though.
OK. Off to lick my wounds and maybe later look up on YouTube how to weave cool stuff from grass and pine needles and shit.