The Man With No Name
#sketchbook #ClintEastwood #spaghettiwestern #fanart
The Man With No Name
#sketchbook #ClintEastwood #spaghettiwestern #fanart
Feb 21 2025
The prompt is West
Wall of Voodoo, “Call of the West” 1982
#WallOfVoodoo cultivated an air of mystery - their album covers, their very name! - and the subject matter of their songs, #StanRidgway's arch vocals, the music itself were always a little offbeat and angular in a way that made it easy for them to ride the #NewWave to us, via #EnnioMorricone #SpaghettiWestern.
This album was their commercial peak. I was going to feature a track you're less likely to have heard, but in the end had to go with "Mexican Radio." How could I resist the couplet “I wish I was in Tijuana/Eating barbecued iguana”?
Another favorite of mine is their oddly compelling cover of "Ring of Fire" from their debut eponymous ep. You may have also heard frontman and artistic lead Ridgway on "Don't Box Me In" from #StewartCopeland's soundtrack for the film adaptation of #SEHinton's Rumblefish, and he continues to release solo music via #bandcamp.
All #spaghettiwestern music today
4-6pm CST
I picked these #KinoLorber #4KUHD up from #Amazon and got all three for $40! #KinoLorber has a half price sale going on and #Amazon has a Buy 2 Get the 3rd free deal, so I combined the two deals on a wonderful #SpaghettiWestern trilogy!
Yesterday Python Pescara, GDG Pescara and Lean StartUp Lab Pescara spent a day in the mountains at Campo Imperatore, cooking and eating "arrosticini" at Ristoro Mucciante and visiting the locations of the Bud Spencer and Terenche Hill films
#Python #Trinita #SpaghettiWestern #CampoImperatore #Abruzzo #GranSasso #Pescara #PythonPescara #BudSpencer #TerencheHill
Ieri Python Pescara, GDG Pescara e Lean StartUp Lab Pescara hanno trascorso una giornata in montagna a Campo Imperatore, cucinando e mangiando "arrosticini" al Ristoro Mucciante e visitando le location dei film di Bud Spencer e Terenche Hill
Microsoft erweitert Bing mit LLM-gestützten generativen Suchantworten
Microsoft hat vor kurzem die Einführung einer neuen Suchfunktion auf Bing bekanntgegeben, die
#News #Tellerrand #BingUpdates #Digitaleskosystem #GenerativeSuche #KIgesttzteSuche #KnstlicheIntelligenz #LLM #MicrosoftBing #Nutzererfahrung #SpaghettiWestern #Suchmaschinentechnologie #Verlagsindustrie #WebTraffic
The #Hozier #Song Too Sweet does such a good job at capturing all the elements of a great #SpaghettiWestern theme song.
Whereas Gnarles Barkley transformed the opening theme from #Django, Prepare a Coffin to create the 2006 hit Crazy, Too Sweet is an original piece that channels the best of Spaghetti Western #Music.
From the methodical plucking of the guitar to the soft choir vocals and harmonica, the song masterfully captures the work of Morricone and Nicolai.
Please welcome to newest addition to my family, this really nice and preserved quality special edition copy of Django I picked up on eBay for a steal as the only bidder.
Forgot #LetterboxdFriday last Friday but not this week! My #lastfourwatched:
Wrote a quick thing on the new #Sheverb record that came out today. For context, my site is aimed towards #surfmusic
#spaghettiwestern #psych #bandcamp
If you're a Spaghetti Western fan, Tubi has added a number of classic international Westerns recently.
Some are dubbed, some sub-titled, some in Spanish. All the transfers I've seen look good. Lots of rarities!
I will be posting other things than #LetterboxdFriday and #Last4Watched, I promise!
Some day...
If this is extremely your shit, allow me to recommend "The Soundtrack Show", one of the most fascinating podcasts I have ever come across, and specifically this episode:
#music #soundtrack #SpaghettiWestern
From: @simoncampbell
Just watched "Bandidos" that manages to be everything I want from a spaghetti western while at the same time surprise me. BRUTAL.
A yearly tradition to cherish with your family!
Two hours of #spaghettiwestern music, often with a surfy influence.
Today! 4-6pm CST
I‘m co-gm‘ing a #WestMarches inspired #shadowdark game, where I‘m in charge of portraying the mythical underworld. And oh boy, what started as a simple dungeon crawl tonight, turned into a #spaghettiwestern style murder ballad Betrayal, revenge, and a posse of questionable PCs that got away with murder…
#osr #Valland
You know your #LetterboxdFriday was weird when a Ken Russell film was the LEAST problematic of your #Last4Watched.