Took a break from working on a #PF2E #TTRPG module to work on some handouts for a 2nd project, a #Cy_Borg #cyberpunk supplement.
The basic premise is that the lowest tier of rich are entered into a legalized murder lottery, and these rich bastards use it as a way to air out old grievances.
The Punks (PCs) are hired to frag a member of the lowest tier of rich. The module includes a full scenario and the rules to randomly generate a target, a patron, and the circumstances of the hit.
@OldGodsGames Oh god, Reagan is back!
@Tim_Eagon The gist is Neo-GOP recreated his degraded DNA from a combination of his intact skull and confirmed descendants. They then remade his brain to run it on the short list of candidates eligible to be hand picked by the electorate (the 100 richest people and corps of the previous year)
As part of being inaugurated, his ressurected brain was plugged into Mentis II, an orbital supercomputer.
On a practical/real-life level, he's a symbol of 80s capitalism and has many public domain images.
@OldGodsGames Remaking Reagan's brain seem likes a risky choice!
@Tim_Eagon The idea behind it is that the sustem is on the brink due to a lack of liquidity, resource hoarding; although nobody is willing to publicly admit that. Those responsible for this manmade horror are basically falling into the trap of nostalgia and an almost cultism fanaticism.
They fervently believe that a supercomputer guided by the values of a president they revere with messianic overtones will provide a solution to their problems.