I haven't posted about my ttrpg design stuff on mastodon much, so with the Admirer Anniverary sale going on right now, I thought I'd do a thread about the playbook I wrote for Thirsty Sword Lesbians!
The Admirer playbook is all about that classic queer question: "Do I want to be with them, or do I want to be them?" The Admirer sees what's good or cool or interesting about the people around them, but doesn't know how to navigate those feelings. Is it admiration? Is it attraction? or
There are tons of ways to play the Admirer. Some archetypes for inspiration:
Straight-A's Late Bloomer
Jack of All Trades, Mxstress of None
The Artisan Swordmaker's Apprentice
Is one of these you? How would you play the Admirer?