Alright, poll time!
The #MayThe4thBewithYou poll:
asked the question about which which #StarWars #TTRPG system to run. The 13 of you who voted almost unanimously picked #StarWarsD6 (WEG) and I am all for this.
So in honor of #RevengeOfTheSixith and the idea of continuing the conversation, here’s the next question:
Which time period should the game run in?
Poll Note: the High Republic and sequel trilogy timeframes are absent from the options.
@videostorecowboy I enjoy the end of the clone wars into the rebellion era
@ToweroftheArchmage I totally agree.
Mastodon polls only offer 4 options, so my chooses to offer were limited. Otherwise I would have offered more choices.
I would actually argue that #Order66 should be it’s own timeframe separate from the Clone Wars and Rebellion. So much happens in that short period of time and it deserves to be expanded into some epic stories.
@videostorecowboy I've an idea for running a group of clones - using montage and discovery play style at the front then running them thru various key (or backwater planet) battles where they learn about ... well everything
@s5photog clone wars story? Order 66? Bad Batch style?
@videostorecowboy yep yep with a side of Republic Commandos ;)
@s5photog did you ever play SWTOR? Specifically the commando storyline?
@videostorecowboy no, I'd gotten out of video games before that came out
@s5photog it’s has one of the best stories in regards to being a regular soldier in the republic. Very “band of brother”, citizen soldier esthetic. It’d be worth at least checking out some YouTube playthroughs.