I think I showed a lot of restraint during last year's advent sales for #boardgames.
I think I showed a lot of restraint during last year's advent sales for #boardgames.
#bgstats im Dezember. Das 4x4 endlich mal wieder gefüllt, auch dank der Feiertage.
#7Wonders, #Werwölfe und #Flügelschlag haben die Family an Weihnachten beschäftigt. Vor allem 7 Wonders überzeugt einfach immer wieder
#Barcelona ein richtig hübscher Kettenzug-Euro, den ich gerne nochmal spielen werde
#RollPlayer mal wieder solo herausgeholt - sich immer eine gut verbrachte halbe Stunde
#ReiseDurchMittelerde packt mich mechanisch noch nicht wirklich
#ArcheNova eh!
#Solotober Day 17: #RollPlayer (once more)!
Decided to get another play in before I put it up, but this time I used some revised rules from SneakyPetey over on BGG to simplify setup and play solo mode more like a 2 player game (the monster is the “second” player!). It was a good change of pace, and I’ll definitely be using the easier setup rules going forwards!
Link to the revised rules: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2897582/page/1
#boardgames #solotober2024
#Solotober Day 13: #RollPlayer!
I don’t get this one onto the table very often (mostly because of the setup), but I quite enjoy it and end up playing at least a couple times each time. It’s as fun to see what you end up with as it is to try to get a high score!
Anyone have any experience bringing one of these characters into Roll Player Adventures? I’ve been interested in it, but the price tag is a bit steep.
#solotober2024 #boardgames #juegosdemesa
Yeah! Endlich meinen bisherigen Alltime Rekord eingestellt & gleichzeitig die Antwort auf alle Fragen erhalten. Glücklicher Wookie verlässt schnurrend das Bühnenbild … #RollPlayer #Boardgames
We played #RollPlayer for the first time in a while. Lindsey's Maniacal Elf beat my Guardian Dwarf by a mere three points.
If you haven't played Roll Player, check out our 3 minute video below.
Februarys plays. Not a bad month and Roll Player Adventures is a wonderful game, no need to have ever played the original Roll Player.
If you're looking for a dice drafting game that doesn't entirely rely on just luck, check out #RollPlayer
I made two videos on it so pick the one that best meets your viewing needs:
BURST version (3 to 4 minutes in length) https://youtu.be/N9XAQQhUxU4
Standard version (around 40 minutes) https://youtu.be/Qy6ZOEG-1WQ
Tagging @emmahunneyball since you seemed interested in this game a while back
Hey everyone, need your opinions! I got a #gimbal for the first time and tried my hand at some cinematic shots as part of my new #BoardGame video on #RollPlayer
It'll only take 3 to 4 minutes of your life and I'd really appreciate some feedback on what you think of the new styled shots. Thanks all!
October plays were super low again because of the move. But hopefully things are settling down and I will get more to the table plus my #Stroganov videos will get posted this weekend and then a set of #RollPlayer videos are up after that.
Played #RollPlayer with my 8 - and 11 year old. 11 year-old did wonderful, only losing by 3 points. 8 yo got pretty bored but it was way outside of her age range so I was proud of her sticking it out. My street urchin dragonkin ranger ended up victorious in the end though.
First solo game of #RollPlayer was fun. On the negative side, just rolling a dice to see which card is trashed from market is sort of anticlimactic. Sometimes it's a totally useless card, compared to the others, so you don't even care it was trashed. It'd be awesome if the cards were ranked and certain rolls caused you to trash the best one.
On the positive side, the game is fairly quick and I love the act of triggering the attribute actions to change my dice.
I don't own the new #TheMenzingers #vinyl so spinning their classic "On the Impossible Past" while I try out solo #RollPlayer for the first time.
We played our first game of #RollPlayer and I squeaked out a win, 24 to 20. If you like dice drafting, then this is a really fun game. There are enough actions that let you alter the dice so it's not completely luck driven. It's also fun to think of your character leveling up as they might do in an MMORPG.
My character was an eccentric dragonkin monk, who returned home to find it deserted. My ancient spear and longsword helped me as I sat out on adventure. #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop
I've had my eye on #RollPlayer for a while since I've heard it is a great solo #BoardGame
It was on pretty deep discount for Prime day so I picked it up. I will hopefully get a game or two in this weekend.
Tonight on sanity check gaming at 2000 GMT the split party deals with the fallout of some crazy bullshit
Tonight on sanity check gaming afull team of adventures continue their investigation into the dastardly Rasheed to retrieve the poorly defined magic item. The plot is obscured further when a duplicitous Gnoll merchant gives more information on their current employer.
Kickoff at 2000 GMT
CMYK-safe color palette
Using Hex Kit to make hexcrawl maps
How do you create MÖRK BORG art?
Recently played: Roll Player
Exeunt Omnes: https://omnes.exeunt.press/p/how-do-you-create-mork-borg-art
Dice Placement mit Rollenspielthema und dank Erweiterung darf man auch mit seinem Charakter kämpfen. Bei #RollPlayer draften wir Würfel für unsere Charaktereigenschaften und rüsten uns für den Kampf auf dem Markt aus. Für mich eher ein Kaffee und Kuchen Spiel, dass man gemütlich spielt und dabei ungestört auf seinem Tableau puzzelt. Ärgerlich nur, wenn einem der heißbegehrte Würfel vor der Nase weggenschappt wird... @brettspiele #Brettspiele
Wow, first #solo game and I get.... -24 and the title of "Obvious Inkdrinker!"
Honestly, I thought I was doing pretty well but having to fit in some large farms and then large water terrains made the score on the "Shoreside Expanse" card fairly dinky come end game.
My wife had some new watercolor brush pens and it was very pleasant painting in the squares as I played.