On the subject of how rules differ between versions...
OD&D/LBBs - the spell "Cure Light Wounds" heals d6+1 same for potion.
AD&D/1e - the spell "Cure Light Wounds" heals d8 (no +1 pip), but the potion is 2d4+2!
OD&D/LBBs - natural healing is every other day (even days), complete rest required.
AD&D/1e - natural healing every day, complete rest required. CON factors into this (penalties always, bonuses after 1st wk).
Gets me EVERY TIME I switch games!
@chgowiz My moments are actions in combat. For some reason, the spells and potions I remember. LOL
As for natural healing, 5e is easy and I houserule the old editions, having characters regain hp equal to level for a night's rest.
@chgowiz @DM_Zeppelin Question. I always felt like that level of detail did not matter. 1d6+1 vs 1d8
Just never bothered me if I used one or the other or forgot.
But do you feel it does matter? Maybe just a question of how much does it matter I guess?
Everyone runs their game differently. Certainly not suggesting how to run a game. Just curious about differing view points.
@randomwizard @chgowiz Personally, I go with whatever the system has in order to retain its unique flavor.
Unless I houserule something.
@randomwizard For me, the difference of d6 vs. d8 matters since I'm running an LBB-only OD&D game, where d6 is the default HD. In AD&D, it's variable, by class of course, but most common is d8, so I go with that.
I like the cures to match the "basic" HD, it's a "me" thing.